Easy Math, Signal Processing Functions &
Function Evaluator

Stop designing math functions from scratch! Let G_MATH's native components inject your applications with power, while you take it easy. You get dozens of functions, including: Financial, Hyperbolic, Complex Arithmetics, Root finding, Interpolations, Integrations, Least Square Approximations(Curve Fitting), Matrix operations and best of all an expression evaluator supporting variables and parameters. With G_Math for ASP.NET you can : Create interactive mathematical, financial, and scientific application using pre-designed and crafted functions.
G_FFT lets you perform FFT & IFFT (Fast Fourier Transform and Inverse (Fast Fourier Transform), generate digital band pass, high pass and low pass filters. Lower the sampling rate (Decimation) of a given data set, provide time-domain windows, reduce noise from a given set of sampled data, Auto and Cross- Correlation, Convolution, Amplitude, Power Spectrum and ....more. These are "must haves" for anyone designing math, finance, signal processing and science applications. 

Two Calculating Math Wizards
Here are two products that hide a little Einstein in your applications! When you have complex mathematical and scientific apps to design, G_Math and G_FFT for ASP.NET are powerful libraries of functions that are ready to go. Instead of bogging down in the design process, you can you these pre-designed functions to move your app development along at the speed of light.

G_Math Takes Care of the Details
If you create mathematical, financial and scientific applications, this extensive library of functions takes care of those nitty-gritty, tedious calculations so you can stay focused on the big design picture. The 19 native Controls files empower your application with the genius of dozens of functions: financial, hyperbolic, complex arithmetic, root finding, interpolation, integration, least-squares approximation, and matrix.

Rocket Scientists at Work
It's like having a lab full of scientists at your disposal, all conducting a number of calculations that you didn't have to take time to write from scratch! The finance department computes everything you need to for loans: the annual interest rate, last payment, monthly payment, the principal, and more. Decimal points and rounding are pre-approved with this hardworking accounting group. The math mathematicians handle sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, base 10 logarithm, square roots of complex numbers and polynomials, and exponents. You'll find the most ingenious scientists at work, using Free and Clamped Cubic Spline interpolation, the Simpson and Romberg methods for integration. This gang can crunch numbers all day and night and never ask for a break!
So Many We Can't Cover Them All!
We know you want to get right to work with this math-science-finance toolbox, so we won't hold you up any longer. Nine example projects and two compiled sample projects propel you into motion.

G_FFT Signal Processing Package
If you develop signal processing and signal analysis applications, you'll be ecstatic that someone put together this set of Fast Fourier Transform and related functions. This laboratory supplies you with Forward and Inverse FFT of real data and calculates Complex Forward FFT of complex data. Power and Amplitude spectrums of given data sequences pose no problem for this brain. And there are multiple correlation functions for two vectors, real and complex.

Smart As It Gets
G_FFT puts atomic age power into your data manipulation. Generate digital band pass, high pass, and low pass filter data. Lower the sampling rate of a given data set, vector, provide time-domain windows, reduce noises from a given set of sampled data...and more. Don't get your wires crossed-- These four native DCU files do your dirty work! Five demo projects are included.

These Tools DO Compute!
With G_Math and G_FFT, you may never have to design a math function from scratch again. For high performance in calculations, order one or both of these " must have " products from Sigma today !

G_FFT Version 4.X for asp.net C# is a library of mathematical functions used for creating signal processing and signal analysis applications. Sample ASP.NET C# projects are included.
* Explore the included ASP.NET C# sample projects to learn how to use these functions.

Release Notes
  • December 2007, G_Math Version 9.01 for ASP.NET will be Released.
  • December 2007, G_FFT Version 9.01 for ASP.NET will be Released.
  • December 2007, G_Parser Version 3.02 for ASP.NET will be Released.

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